The future belong to those who believe in the beauty of their Dreams...E.R.
Kajsiab Kids Education Fund needs your help especially now
The whole summer we have been working on the new concept of Kajsiab Kids Education project. As of upcoming months we do not have any funding for about 15 of the Kajsiab Children staying at the Kajsiab shelter for school fees, uniforms, schoolbooks and bags and 15 more children connected with Kajsiab staying in the villages.
We are launching a campaign to ask many people around the world to support one of the children with a monthly amount of 10 or 25 euro (or any amount)
You want to support the children with their education?
With proper education these children can have a healthy and self sustainable future with their families and make the world a better place.
Kajsiab Kids Education Fund
We really need your help! For a small amount a month you can help these children to stay at school. The project does not have resources for the schoolfees.
The project empowerment activities for the women and teenage families are running almost completely self sustainable with the income from Daauw Lounge, Daauw restaurant and Daauw home guesthouse.
For the education costs of the Kajsiab Children we do need the support of all of you all over the world.
Send us a message at to set up a monthly donation of 10 or 25 euro.
Kajsiab Kids profile: Hnong
Hnong really wants to go to school. She is one of the 4 siblings at Kajsiab who just started her schooling this year. Hnong is 9 years old. Education is so obvious in our home countries. For Hnong being able to go to school is a privilege. Hnong is a strong minded little girl with lots of future prospects, if we all help her a little.
Her mother is widow and is trying to build up her life again, at Kajsiab Shelter. Unfortunately Hnong does not get any school fee school books and bags, uniform/school shoes donations anymore as of this month and we will have to take her off school.
The income from self sustainability activities from Project Kajsiab Laos (the Daauw guesthouse, shop and restaurant) are just enough to keep the Kajsiab Shelter open and running and are not covering education costs just yet - hopefully in the future when we can open the Organic Farm!.
Who wants to help Hnong to go to school with one set amount a month (or every 3 or 6 months or once a year)? We really need your help right now!
If you would want to become her sponsor on a monthly or yearly basis you can contact us and we will send you banking details so you can make an automatic transfer each month.
A monthly donation of 10 or 25 euro already helps to keep Hnong at school.
Send us an email at :
Kajsiab Kids profile: Lee
Lee, one of the Kajsiab children we support with guidance, care and education.
Lee is an orphan and has been living with family members until a few years ago when he arrived at Kajsiab Shelter in difficult circumstances. He was not propely taken care of and children around him tried to take him into drug related environment. He tried to escape from this by coming as much as possible to Kajsiab Shelter until we decided to take him in.
In the past years he blossomed up from a very shy and inward boy to a kind teenager with much more self confidence. He is still struggling with emotions and himself a lot but he seems more stable, balanced and feeling at home.
Kajsiab houses many children who have no parents but we are not an orphanage. Each child has a direct connection with a family member that is part of the Kajsiab project and this makes the Kajsiab Kids Education and Care project a very family-like safe and calm environment. We all live together as a big family and we have seen the children here blossoming up and gaining self confidence while learning valuable skills and tolls to use in their future adult life.
Thanks to these past years now Lee dares to dream about his own future. He wants to become a policeman and wants to continue his schooling.
We do need your help to support the children’s education more than ever, as you will read below at Project Focus we do not get any support for the schooling fees and education costs for most of the Kajsiab children anymore.
If you would want to sponsor Lee and help him with the costs for education, tuition fees, books, bags, clothes you can donate by Donate Now for a one time donation or:
If you would want to become his sponsor on a monthly or yearly basis you can contact us and we will send you banking details so you can make an automatic transfer each month.
A monthly donation of 10 or 25 euro already helps to keep Lee at school.
Send us an email at :
2018; a year of new life and healing!
Nzoua Vue and Lara Picavet launched Project Kajsiab Laos 10 years ago. Since 2010 the project building up phase has been supported by Kajsiab Foundation in the Netherlands. We can proudly say, looking back at the past 10 years that the project, completely owned, managed and run by the Lao mountain people is a success story.
We believe that the main reason of our success is the way we have slowly built up the project by not only working together but also living together as a small community.
Now the project is completely built up except from the organic Farm we are still in the process of building up, Nzoua and Lara have taken steps back and the mountainpeople are owning, managing and running the project activities completely by theirselves. We are so proud of them!!!
All project activities related to the Kajsiab Shelter and the Kajsiab Women’s Empowerment activities are funded by their own self sustainbility activities, the Daauw Home Guesthouse, Daauw Restaurant and Daauw Lounge.
Kajsiab Children Education fund has been funded by sponsors from all over the world. From this month on most of the funding will stop so we need all of you to help to keep the Kajsiab kids at school! Every small amount each month does make a huge difference and gives the children stability!
Read more about this below at Project Focus 2018
Aspire Education Fund
Project Kajsiab Laos, all the children and families at Kajsiab want to thank Aspire from the bottom of our hearts.
The children have blossomed up in the past years thanks to your support.
In the first years when we launched the project and things were not that stable yet, before your support, and also still now, we have seen that, when children have just arrived from the traumatic situation in their village due to abuse, neglect, divorce or drug addiction, with parents or being an orphan: they are always very inward, shy, scared and not in balance at all.
Since Aspire supported the education of the children they really felt more in balance and blossomed up, step by step, because children know when they are in a safe place.
The project needed time and space to grow into a stable and balanced project where children can feel safe and feel they have opportunities to become the flexible creative and skilled adults they want to be and Aspire helped to establish exactly that.
Because of the help of Aspire and help for volunteers all over the world and the mountain women who care for the children at the Shelter, the Kajsiab children have now dreams for their own future and they believe they can make those dreams come true.
In the western world children have many dreams and think about their future but in the mountain villages in Laos dreaming is not an option.
The children grow up in an unstable environment where drugs issues are a huge problem these days.
They grow up believing they are not worth to get a proper education and will never have the means for it.
Believing that destroys all possibilities to even learn to think that you can change all that. In the end most important is to believe in yourself. From there you can grow and break out of the circle of poverty.
Instead of being passive, letting life and circumstances take control and accept they are nothing and will never be able to get anywhere…………………
………. now these children are strong minded, creative, actively taking control of their own life now already even when they are still young.
A huge thanks to Aspire Education Fund and to the women at Kajsiab Shelter who selflessly have dedicated their lives to care every day and night for these children, raise them, feed them, care for them, educate them, heal them and love them.
“ Girls with Dreams become Women with Vision ”
Help us to make the dreams of these Kajsiab girls come true and help with their education!
Kajsiab Kids Education Fund
Write us at to support the children.
Thank you from all the Kajsiab Women and children!