Kajsiab People

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Daauwv Team

We are Daauw Team
We all live in the Kajsiab Shelter and help each other to empower the mountain people and each other and work with new ways to earn an income and new skill to remain self-sustainable in the mountains.

10 years Project Kajsiab Laos

We are Project Kajsiab Laos.
We promote mutual and respectful understanding between travelers and local people in Laos on culture and customs by encouraging dialogue, sharing daily life together and working together on projects to improve the lives and health of local women and their children and families.

 10 years Kajsiab Kids

Kajsiab Shelter houses children from the mountain villages since 10 years. Children learn creative skills so they can use their skills when they are grown up to break the cycle of poverty. They go to school and get healthy nutritious food. 

Happy Lao Newyear to all of you🥰…….and……..Welcome to this world little Ingo Vue……born 14 April on the day

Happy Lao Newyear to all of you
Diary stories May 2021

Happy Lao Newyear to all of you🥰…….and……..Welcome to this world little Ingo Vue……born 14 April on the day

Moments of patience, dedication and wonder

Hi Kajsiab friends……welcome at Daauw Home….. These special times….. Welcome on a day in our Shelter…..an ordinary day…..a

Seize the day; a special day at Kajsiab Shelter

What a year it has been........Laos border are closed exactly one year now…….We are at Kajsiab very proud

Corona Crisis

Kajsiab Laos wants to thank the people who donated this difficult year 2020 with so many challenges for

Flashback Memories