19 August 2019
Time for Action!
Stichting Kajsiab Netherlands and Project Kajsiab Laos are now working together with Wilde Ganzen, Wild Geese Foundation to build up the Organic Farm in Laos!
Building up the Organic Farm is very important to ensure self sustainability of Project Kajsiab Laos. The work we do at Kajsiab changes lives and the future of one of the poorest people of Asia and who are trapped in this horrible circle of poverty.
Mountain women and children who stay at Kajsiab Shelter become self confident and strong minded. They learn to be creative and they learn to use new skills from all over the world to create a self sustainable life. Women who have stayed at Kajsiab now run their own shops and restaurants back in their village.
We have about 40 people average staying at the Kajsiab Shelter, half of them children. On top of that we have around 25 people a week visiting the Shelter short time for like 2 or 3 days.
Once the women and children go back to their village they teach people in the village the new gained skills and discuss their new ideas about for example gender equality, hygiene, raising children and healthy relationships. In the villages there are 50 to 250 people average.
The income we get from our self sustainability activities, the restaurant and the guesthouse is not enough to cover the daily running costs of Kajsiab.
To ensure the self sustainability and long lastig impact of the project we have to build up the Organic Farm.
Once the Organic Farm is up and running all food supply can go to the Kajsiab Shelter.
The Organic farm is also a good extra environment for the mountain women and their families to
do trainee ships and cultural exchange with visitors and travelers from all over the world.
The longer the farm is operating, the better results we will get in terms of food supply, knowledge, experience, success stories of the women and families of the mountains.

19 August
Exciting times in Laos! Building an Organic Farm in Laos for food supply, self sustainability and cultural exchange activities.
First step to build a house for the Kajsiab Team and the volunteers is to level up the land. Second step is to get access to water in the ground. Third step is to make a small hut to protect us from the heat and the rain. And then.....the building can begin...
Stichting Kajsiab Laos, Kajsiab Local Team from our shelter, a group of builders from a nearby village, several sponsors and Wild Geese Foundation work together to make this happen! So very proud of everybody.....

23 aug
DAAUW FARM - Hard Work! - So PROUD of all of you! All the Kajsiab young boys came to help out to dig.....after a whole day of working in the heat: time to relax, talk and have a beer. Days full of team-building, re-bonding and re-connection vibes!

2 September
So very proud of all of you Kajsiab Team!
3 sept
Daauw Farm - a new beginning.....exciting times....working on the land, growing our own foods, just like we always did. Life as it is meant to be. Farm House Supplies!

3 sept
Daauw Farm - a new beginning.....exciting times....working on the land, growing our own foods, just like we always did. Life as it is meant to be. Farm House Supplies!

6 September
"The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate action of its members" C.S.K.
DAAUW FARM looking good!!! Yes, jump in the deep! So excited....

24 September
Dreams can become reality when you keep believing and when you keep working every day towards your goal no matter how hard the circumstances. And hard it was. Hard is not even the right word to describe the difficulties we faced. But now we move forward again: Daauw Farm! Future food supply for Project Kajsiab Laos Shelter and Future Cultural Exchange and Awareness programs. Very proud of all of you Kajsiab Team❤

22 October
Almost finished! Instead of the initial idea of two small houses the Kajsiab Team chose to build one big house so we could in fact have extra space inside. So very proud! We will soon show a short movie about the Organic Farm House; Daauw Farm. And....at www.daauwvillagelaos.com we will soon start a blog about Daauw Farmlife!

You can help us to finish the Organic Farm! We still need to buy many tools and have to organize better access to water. This water system costs a lot of money because the water comes from far. 

You can help by making a donation here.