Kajsiab Children Care & Education- A Charity for Kids
Kajsiab Laos wants to thank our sponsors of our charity for kids project Kajsiab Children's Care and Education. You have all been here at Kajsiab Shelter and Daauw Home. You have shared the life and work here, made friendships with the mountain people and the children. You all have experienced first-hand the challenges we have faced the past years trying to get all the children to school and trying to give them the care they need. You all have helped and contributed and pioneered to make our work possible.
Thanks to all your work and to the commitment of Kajsiab Team we can try to meet the needs of the Kajsiab Children. Besides education, we give the children books to go to school with, extra trainings they need and provide them with clean clothes and healthy, nutritious food. We also initiated a Health Bank where people can donate to so that they can in the future have the medical care they need. In 2015 Kajsiab divided the 5 projects of Kajsiab, with a separate financial report and bank account for the Child Care and Health Bank Project, Your contribution for the Children will go straight to this Project. You can receive on request once a year a financial overview.
Kajsiab Child Care, Education and Health Bank Background Information
2010 – Since we opened in 2010 Kajsiab was initially focused on mostly women and family issues.
2013 - Since 2013 we made a major switch in the project and started to take more children in.
“It is amazing to see the children being so scared and sometimes broken or traumatized and after staying here for a while blossoming up, feeling safe, eating healthy food.”
“I will never forget the face of Ing going for the first time to school at age 11....that smile......”can I really do something just for me?” And the smile I got two weeks ago from Mai (whose mother does not want her now they are divorced and even beat her up when she tried to come to see her mother for food) when she came in and I took her into bath, removing the lice from her head and giving her a princess dress on (like a long dress with flowers).”
Kajsiab Children
Baauw (1- then 7 years old), one of the sisters of Nzoua Vue, the founder of Kajsiab was found unconscious on the street in the mountain village. Her parents can’t take care of her, just like with first Nzoua (founder Kajsiab) and then Zjong (sister founder Kajsiab). Zjong is now in charge of all women and girl issues in Kajsiab Shelter and is the local adviser of the mountain women and girls. She tried to commit suicide at age 13 and after ran away from home, married an addicted man and lost her child Daauw 8 months old to diarrhea, when she was only 16. When she ran away from her husband, Nzoua and Lara just opened the Shelter Kajsiab Home. Zjong was completely traumatized and it took more than two years to heal and believe in her own self again. Nzoua has a similar story as he lived for half a year in the woods. He was taken out of school at 12 to take care of his siblings and many days there was nothing to eat, not even rice. Nzoua and Lara decided to take Baauw in. Soon some volunteers got very fond of her and offered sponsorship for her schooling.

Ing (2- then 11 years old), Ing was found to take care of her three brothers by herself at age 11. She worked on the rice field, the gardens, fetched water to cook, boil rice, make food, got her brothers to bath in the river, washed their clothes and ran the whole household. Kajsiab decided to take her in and also with Ing, within a very short time volunteers offered sponsorship for her. We did not actively try to get funding since we were still mostly working with the women and were developing women and family care programs.
Baauw 11, a divorced woman came in the shelter with Siiwaa (3- then 4 years old). From then on the focus of Kajsiab switched also to the children. We tried to teach both mother and child social skills, loving care, hygiene, self-confidence, improve mother-child relationship, and for the first time actively try to get funding for education for Siiwaa.

Sue (4-then 6 years old) also came, father in jail and mother died when still breastfeeding Sue. He came in so scared and timid and now (2015) changed into this happy boy who dares to speak up and feels finally safe.
After that we took Au (5)in who at age 12 was all alone and nobody to guide him, was slowly going for the wrong path....drugs, alcohol.

Ou, Ting and Pawnia
At that time a volunteer family came and after talking to their mum about the three little brothers of Nzoua who were now alone in the village and needed some education, she found a sponsor for Ou, Ting and Pawnia (6,7,8 – now in 2015 they are 8,9 and 10 years old).
Paulo (9 – stayed from 0 to 2 years) was born at the Project, with complications, two months early and for almost two years Kajsiab took care of the small family of three. Now this family moved on and built up their own shop of local products in the village where they settled and where the father is a teacher. Since May they are back at Daauw Home to give birth in June from a healthy baby girl Saifon.

Saifon (10)and Paulo will stay for a while so mother and child can become strong and healthy before returning to their village.
Joshua, Soon & Ong
Joshua (11)was born, the child of Zjong and Bounchan and is staying with us until now, 2 years old. Soon Ong (12-13 years old) came and after that Ning(13-4 years old). Ong is Sue’s older brother and Ning is Tainia’s little girl. Tainia is divorced and working here to find a self-sustainable lifestyle to be able to take care of Ning.

2015 – Noi (14- 3 years old) comes in, has no parents since they ran away both in different directions. He has an older brother about 7 years old. Since he has no direct guardian the Team is still discussing if he can come in (in this case he would need official adoption and the elders have to decide if this is a possibility). He is coming and going with his very old grandmother who is quite weak.
Tsia and Mai
Tsia and Mai (15 and 16 – 7 and 4 years old) come with their divorced father, Sing, who is working here now since one month.

Mai (17, 11 years old) just arrived in July 2015 and comes from a very poor village. Her parents sent her to Kajsiab after the word of mouth reached their village. She wants to go to school and we are currently trying to get funding for her.
A new family has come in with three children, 2,3,and 4 years old. We are not sure how long they will stay. That makes 20 children and counting......

Thank you for your ongoing support and encouragement. Because of your help we can continue our work at Kajsiab, Daauw Home. Thank you from all Kajsiab members with our whole heart. www.projectkajsiablaos.org "If you can't help a hundred people, help one" M.T.