Category Archives for "Whats New"

May 2020 Kajsiab Kids Profile Hnong

This is HnongHnong is a ten-year-old girl. She has had two fathers, and they both passed away, due to drug related issues and addiction. Hnong was moving from house to house with her mother and siblings after that, having no decent place to stay and no rights to be anywhere.Finally, her mother found Kajsiab. Now […]

May 2020 Kajsiab Team Profile – Leej

We are all very proud of the Kajsiab people in these challenging times. We are also very proud of our young people who try to build up a better life, break the cycle of poverty.Proud of all the young people educate their selves, try to learn new skills, try to do their best at school.At […]

Blog 1 May 2020 – Lock down update

We want to wish you all good health in these times.For everybody there are many challenges to face right now, as also with our Project Kajsiab Laos.Our self-sustainability activities Daauw Restaurant and Daauw Guesthouse are now closed.The children cannot go to school but get homeschooling.The markets are empty.There is almost no food or rice available […]

Storm in Laos 2020 Repairs Update

28 – 4 – 2020 Storm in Laos 2020 update!Helping each other to help others. A simple act of caring creates an endless ripple……Thanks to all of you and thanks to the very hard work of all the Kajsiab people the roofs are now fixed. Still need to do other renovation and repair works but everybody in Kajsiab […]

Storm in Laos 2020 Update

25 – 4 – 2020Hello Friends of KajsiabThere was a devastating storm 2 nights ago in Laos…Below here in the pictures you can see with pictures what happened. Like many, due to Corona, we had to close our restaurant and home stay, our only income to feed the 45 women and children.To complete the disaster, this […]