Last night Women’s Surprise Treat Day – 6 May 2019

zjong with her mother drinking a juice
zjong trying herbal treatment
zjong at the hospital with her stepmother

Yesterday we left to the hospital in Thailand. Last night Women's Surprise Treat Day: caring for ourselves, treating ourselves, loving ourselves to be able to give extra love, power and strength and beat this ugly illness....

Today very early Jie had an X-Ray and Zjong another appointment. Jie, Zjong's stepmother in law, has advanced cancer spread to her lungs. The hospital can not handle chemo so she will have to go home and try alternative medicine, or get 6 up to 10.000 euro together for chemo in Chiang Mai.

Any suggestions for her further treatment are very welcome! Zjong has a lot of pain and has bleedings but the hospital does not want to do early surgery. Now waiting for second opinion from Chiang Mai International Hospital. We still need your help, an pray for a decent insurance system in Laos.

Click the Donate Now or Email us about other possibilities at

Lara with the Daauw village people
zjong with her mother
zjong on her way to the city