Zjong First Surgery – 12 April 2019

Zjongs first surgery

12 April 2019 - Zjong had her first surgery; a cone biopsy is the preferred procedure for women who want to have children after the cancer is treated. Zjong feels still very weak but is doing well. She is resting a lot and everybody at Daauw Home, Project Kajsiab Laos is helping her and supporting her. Jie has had injections and is also having alternative treatment. The next appointment will be the 18th. We thank you all so much for your support! Thanks to all of you we were able to pay the hospital bill for yesterday. Now we need to focus on raising funds for the 18th.

Thank you all so much for being this big community from all over the world sharing memories & friendship and for putting our energy, skills and gifts together to cure Zjong and Jie.