Zjong Vue is doing pretty well – 11 May 2019

Zjong's tumor

Ewout van Grondelle thank you so much for starting this fundraising! The last part of the hospital bill is still a considerable amount. Watch as Ewout says Eva Jinek, Pauw (Dutch TV program) about high risk HPV in developing countries and high rates of advanced cervical cancer. 

Meanwhile Zjong Vue is doing pretty well. The doctor has just visited Zjong and has given a detailed explanation about the surgery and possible treatment and follow up care. In a week Zjong will know if all cancer has been taken away, but it looks really good.

Also consulted this morning with Zjong's doctor about developing a prevention and screening program HPV and cervical cancer at Project Kajsiab Laos for the adolescents of the mountain population in our shelter and in the villages in collaboration with this hospital and an OB GYN who used to do voluntary work with us!

Donations still needed www.daauwvillagelaos.com ....thank you so so so very much........ 

Click the Donate Now or Email us about other possibilities at projectkajsiablaos@gmail.com