Zjong will have the operation to remove the uterus – 30 April 2019

We have had a meeting with the doctors in Chiang Rai hospital about Zjong's operation and possible further treatment.

As you all know Zjong is the pillar of Project Kajsiab Laos, the organizer of all activities and the care taker of the now 20 children in the shelter.

We are completely dependent on donations for Zjong's treatment and that makes this horrible news that Zjong has this disease even worse....worries not only if she will make it, but also if she can even have this treatment.

The doctors told us that the first operation; removal cancer cells and laser, was not sufficient. They tried this operation first because Zjong so desperately wants asecond child.

The cancer however has spread to her uterus.

In 3 weeks Zjong will have the operation to remove the uterus. Costs for the operation are 4000 euro and on top of that the hospital care and stay and medication, so total costs will be around 6000 euro.

I see no way how we can get this high amount together in just 3 weeks and I am desperate now.

Anybody who wants to or possibly can help with donations or a loan.

Click the Donate Now or Email us about other possibilities at projectkajsiablaos@gmail.com