May 2020 Kajsiab Kids Profile Hnong
This is Hnong
Hnong is a ten-year-old girl. She has had two fathers, and they both passed away, due to drug related issues and addiction. Hnong was moving from house to house with her mother and siblings after that, having no decent place to stay and no rights to be anywhere.
Finally, her mother found Kajsiab. Now they stay in the last 3 years here at the Shelter and Hnong has the possibility to go to a good school.
After 2 difficult years full of trauma and pain, in the past year Hnong is calming down and blossoming. Hnong always thought that her mother did not want her and did not love her. But when her mother healed, Hnong also healed and they found each other again and Hnong realized that she is the most important person in her mother’s life, as also her three siblings.
Unfortunately, Hnong’s kitten, that was by now a very cute grown up cat has passed away last week. She was carrying babies and could not give birth.
Hnong is heartbroken. Another trauma for her because she spent day and night with her cat Diva.
We want to keep helping Hnong and will give her all the love we have to heal again and also to find a future.
Hnong wants to become a doctor.
Our means are very limited and we have not enough funds to send her to school.
WE NEED YOU. One donation or once a month donation REALLY makes the DIFFERENCE for all the children at Kajsiab.
To support with even a few euro per month makes a huge difference for those children born in poor countries and do not have access to many things that are so common for, healthcare, and education, being the most important thing of all.
Education can stop lack of food, lack of medical care and break the circle of poverty!
“Girls with Dreams become Women with Vision”
Hnong wants to CHANGE her live, from SURVIVING, drug abuse and poverty, towards LIVING, a self-sustainable, powerful and healthy life.
Send us a message today and choose how you want to join and make the difference!
HELP US to make a difference in the world! Every small step can create MIRACLES..........
This is a beautiful video from Dhia Xiong, our volunteer who visited us last year "Daauw Village: help end the cycle of poverty and fund education for the Hmong children in Laos."
Let us all remember the most important thing in the world for all of us: Break the Circle of Poverty! Support Education!