Volunteer Jenny

The first year Jenny came to us with her friend Gisèle they volunteered for a month helping out to make new products fort he Women’s Workplace and showing the women new idea’s and teaching them how tob e creative in products and also in Life. They also taught English and French! The women have felt this whole month very special:  two wise women who knew so much about life already wanted to share their time and skills with them.
The second year Jenny came alone. By then she supported Kajsiab quite a few times already, helping out when Kajsiab could not buy rice or had problems to get money together for hospital visits.
Jenny was so helpful , since two people of the main Team had been ill and burn out, both Jenny and Karolien helped to back up the Daauw Home self sustainability activities with Zjong and Bounchan.
Jenny has been absolutely amazing and the women and children and especially the founders of Kajsiab are very thankful for Jenny’s support, time and love.
Jenny has visited the Kajsiab Women and Children again this month.
We are so happy and lucky to know Jenny and she has become a friend of many of us and is part of the Kajsiab Family..
Jenny we love you!